The Nevtek Air Stream Incubator in the Biomedical Literature

This is a listing of papers available on the internet which reference the NEVTEK ASI 400 Air Stream Incubator in the equipment list. The links are current as of 1 June 2017.

Visualizing Cell-to-cell Transfer of HIV using Fluorescent Clones of HIV and Live Confocal Microscopy
Benjamin Dale, Gregory P. McNerney, Deanna L. Thompson, Wolfgang Hübner, Thomas Huser, and Benjamin K. Chen
Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE. 2010;(44):2061.

"The effect of BFA in an NRK cell stably expressing GFP-GMx33a" at the Cell Image Library
Lippincott-Schwartz J, Donaldson JG, Schweizer A, Berger EG, Hauri HP, Yuan LC, Klausner RD
Mol Biol Cell [serial online]. 2006;17:511-24.

The use of optical tweezers to study sperm competition and motility in primates
Jaclyn M. Nascimento, Linda Z. Shi, Stuart Meyers, Pascal Gagneux, Naida M. Loskutoff, Elliot L. Botvinick and Michael W. Berns
J. R. Soc. Interface (2008) 5, 297-302

Probing the precision of the mitotic clock with a live-cell fluorescent biosensor
Joshua T Jones1, Jason W Myers1, James E Ferrell Jr2 & Tobias Meyer1
1 Department of Molecular Pharmacology, W200 Clark, 318 Campus Drive, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, California 94305, USA. 2 Department of Molecular Pharmacology & Department of Biochemistry, 269 Campus Drive, Stanford University Medical School, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
Nature Biotechnology 22, 306 - 312 (Feb. 2004)

Giant cell formation in cells exposed to 740 nm and 760 nm optical traps
Hong Liang, Ky Trong Vu, Tina Ching Trang, David Shin, Yider Eddie Lee, Ducc Chi Nguyen, Bruce Tromberg, Michael W. Berns
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine Volume 21, Issue 2, 1997. Pages 159-165

Hemidesmosome protein dynamics in live epithelial cells
Daisuke Tsuruta, Susan B. Hopkinson, Jonathan C.R. Jones
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton Volume 54, Issue 2, 2003. Pages 122-134

Slow Axonal Transport of Neurofilament Protein in Cultured Neurons
Thomas J. Koehnle, and Anthony Brown
Neuroscience Program, Department of Biological Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701
J. Cell Biol., Volume 144, Number 3, February 8, 1999 447-458

Nucleolar Components Involved in Ribosome Biogenesis Cycle between the Nucleolus and Nucleoplasm in Interphase Cells
Danyang Chena and Sui Huanga Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, Illinois 60611
The Journal of Cell Biology, Volume 153, Number 1, April 2, 2001 169-176

Arrival, Reversal, and Departure of Neurofilaments at the Tips of Growing Axons,br> Atsuko Uchida, and Anthony Brown
Center for Molecular Neurobiology and Department of Neuroscience, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210
Molecular Biology of the Cell Vol. 15, Issue 9, 4215-4225, September 2004

Rapid Intermittent Movement of Axonal Neurofilaments Observed by Fluorescence Photobleaching
Lei Wang, and Anthony Brown
Neuroscience Program, Department of Biological Sciences, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701
Molecular Biology of the Cell Vol. 12, Issue 10, 3257-3267, October 2001

Dynamic Microtubule Ends Are Required for Growth Cone Turning to Avoid an Inhibitory Guidance Cue
Jean F. Challacombe, Diane M. Snow, and Paul C. Letourneau
Department of Cell Biology and Neuroanatomy, The University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
The Journal of Neuroscience Volume 17, Number 9, May 1, 1997 pp. 3085-3095

Myofibrillogenesis visualized in living embryonic cardiomyocytes (transfectionsya-actininygreen fluorescent proteinyvideo microscopy)
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology and Pennsylvania Muscle Institute, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6058
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 94, pp. 9493-9498, August 1997 Physiology

Anionic Polysaccharides Inhibit Adhesion of Sickle Erythrocytes to the Vascular Endothelium and Result in Improved Hemodynamic Behavior
G.A. Barabino, X.D. Liu, B.M. Ewenstein, and D.K. Kaul
Department of Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA; Department of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY; and the Hematology Division, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Boston, MA.
Journal of the American Society of Hematology Blood, Vol. 93 No. 4 (February 15), 1999: pp. 1422-1429

Inhibition of Sickle Erythrocyte Adhesion to Immobilized Thrombospondin by von Willebrand Factor Under Dynamic Flow Conditions
Gilda A. Barabino, Robert J. Wise, Valerie A. Woodbury, Beibing Zhang, Kenneth A. Bridges, Robert P. Hebbel, Jack Lawler, and Bruce M. Ewenstein
Department of Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston; the Division of Hematology-Oncology and the Department of Pathology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA; and the Division of Hematology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis.
Journal of the American Society of Hematology Blood, Vol. 89 No. 7 (April 1), 1997: pp. 2560-2567

Ligand-Specific Dynamics of the Progesterone Receptor in Living Cells and during Chromatin Remodeling In Vitro
Geetha V. Rayasam, Cem Elbi, Dawn A. Walker, Ronald Wolford, Terace M. Fletcher, Dean P. Edwards, and Gordon L. Hager
Molecular and Cellular Biology, March 2005, p. 2406-2418, Vol. 25, No.6

Merotelic kinetochore orientation occurs frequently during early mitosis in mammalian tissue cells and error correction is achieved by two different mechanisms
Daniela Cimini, Ben Moree, Julie C. Canman and E. D. Salmon
Department of Biology, CB#3280, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA
Journal of Cell Science 116, 4213-4225 (2003)

Anaphase onset does not require the microtubule-dependent depletion of kinetochore and centromere-binding proteins
Julie C. Canman, Nitin Sharma1, Aaron Straight, Katie B. Shannon, Guowei Fang and E. D. Salmon
Journal of Cell Science 115, 3787-3795 (2002)

The trkA Receptor Mediates Growth Cone Turning toward a Localized Source of Nerve Growth Factor
Gianluca Gallo, Frances B. Lefcort, and Paul C. Letourneau
The Journal of Neuroscience Volume 17, Number 14, Issue of July 15, 1997 pp. 5445-5454

4-D single particle tracking of synthetic and proteinaceous microspheres reveals preferential movement of nuclear particles along chromatin - poor tracks
Christian P Bacher, Michaela Reichenzeller, Chaitanya Athale, Harald Herrmann and Roland Eils
BioMed Central Cell Biology 2004, 5:45 doi:10.1186/1471-2121-5-45

Response of Mitochondrial Traffic to Axon Determination and Differential Branch Growth
Gordon Ruthel and Peter J. Hollenbeck
The Journal of Neuroscience, September 17, 2003, 23(24):8618-8624

EB1 Targets to Kinetochores with Attached, Polymerizing Microtubules
Jennifer S. Tirnauer, Julie C. Canman,Dagger E.D. Salmon,Dagger and Timothy J. Mitchison
Molecular Biology of the Cell Vol. 13, Issue 12, 4308-4316, December 2002

Motile Properties of Vimentin Intermediate Filament Networks in Living Cells
Miri Yoon, Robert D. Moir, Veena Prahlad, and Robert D. Goldman
J. Cell Biol., Volume 143, Number 1, October 5, 1998 147-157

Regulation of Microtubule Destabilizing Activity of Op18/Stathmin Downstream of Rac1
Torsten Wittmann, Gary M. Bokoch, and Clare M. Waterman-Storer
J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 279, Issue 7, 6196-6203, February 13, 2004

Dual Modes of Endoplasmic Reticulum-to-Golgi Transport in Dendrites Revealed by Live-Cell Imaging
April C. Horton1 and Michael D. Ehlers
The Journal of Neuroscience, July 16, 2003, 23(15):6188-6199

The role of the proteins Kar9 and Myo2 in orienting the mitotic spindle of budding yeast
Dale L. Beach, Julie Thibodeaux, Paul Maddox, Elaine Yeh and Kerry Bloom
Current Biology 2000, 10:1497-1506

Vesicle transport in oligodendrocytes: Probable role of Rab40c protein
A.G. Rodriguez-Gabin 1, G. Almazan 2, J.N. Larocca
Journal of Neuroscience Research Volume 76, Issue 6 , Pages 758 - 770

Single Cell Imaging of PI3K Activity and Glucose Transporter Insertion Into the Plasma Membrane by Dual Color Evanescent Wave Microscopy
Anders Tengholm, Mary N. Teruel, Tobias Meyer
(Published 11 February 2003)

Elbi et al.,A Novel In Situ Assay for the Identification and Characterization of Soluble...
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The Rockefeller University Equipment List for Light Microscopy


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